Daedalion was formed in January 2003, Thrasar and Erduq want to create a black metal band which mixed Melodie and Violence. Erduq wishes to resume the name of his group of high school and has composed many pieces with medieval influences.
A few months after the demo “ad corpus meum sacrificum offere” Daedalion is still composed of two members. After forming a line up consisting of sacral (Drums) and Narcifoss (guitar) the band entered the studio to achieve their second demo “Fili Daedalion Luciferiis.” The band has started to perform on stage and be a strong local reputation.
April, 2006 Daedalion joined Impaled Nazarene in turned during week, rewarding experience! At the end of 2006 the line up is ramenier and will not change any more has this day Forsete (guitars) and Sorthei (Drums) joins Thrasar and Erduq in the ranks of the sons of Lucifer,a few months pass by, and the first self produced “sainte folie erige un empire” was born, a mix of new and old songs
The band played some concerts and festivals in France to record their second album in 2008 “Grande Dame Misere” the medieval influences make more rarer to leave more place for the symbiosis of four musicians.
Following a variety of reasons, “GDM” was available only in october 2011 Daedalion just signed on Axiis Music and has not been idle for three years, multiplying the numbers of concerts, the band is soon ready to record their 3rd album with a style more concise and pest.